"The Domino Effect 2012" by Pr. Dan Vis

Have you ever thought about reaching out to a lost person with a prayerful desire to lead them to Christ? What does it mean to be a disciples and how do disciple a person? Come and find out whats involved with discipleship as we uncover how to EACH 1 REACH 1 through training and equipping from the Bible

Pr. Dan Vis is the founder of FAST Missions a discipleship program that seeks to equip every believer with the tools to memorise scripture effectively, apply it practically to their life, and pass it on consistently to others. Currently he is serving as pastor in the Illinois Conference, USA.

Release Date: 04 May 2012

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Mystery of Multiplication (1/6)
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When the last time you saw a new member added to your church daily? Impossible? Well, It happened back at the early church and it certainly can happen today. Let's find out what we've been missing out from the ... (more)
Pantecost (2/6)
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My Testimony (4/6)
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