"Bible Worker & Laity Training (2009)" by Pr. Louis Torres

As one of the most experienced soul winner, evangelist and bible instructor in the SDA church, Pr. Louis Torres brought with him a wealth of experience and knowledge in areas of evangelism, preaching, visitation and personal bible studies.

NOTE: A new version of these traning videos are now at available: http://www.rightlytrained.org/seriesvideo.aspx?seriesid=51

Release Date: 23 Feb 2009

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Personal Preparation (1/13)
by · 9787 views · LQ
We are called to share the word of God with others, but it is very important for us to prepare ourselves for this blessed responsibility. Pr Torres shares some tips on personal preparation. (more)
Cycle of Evangelism (2/13)
by · 15969 views · LQ
Many churches see evangelism as an event; however, true evangelism is a cycle. Pr Torres shares the biblical process of evangelism. (more)
Working of the Holy Spirit (3/13)
by · 9882 views · LQ
Only the Holy Spirit is able to convict and change peoples\' hearts. Find out how to work with the Holy Spirit in our ministries. (more)
Question & Answer Session #1 (4/13)
by · 6560 views · LQ
Q&A session with Pr Torres, which might answer some of your questions. (more)
Gaining Decisions for Christ #1 (5/13)
by · 19125 views · LQ
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Gaining Decisions for Christ #2 (6/13)
by · 6624 views · LQ
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Question & Answer Session #2 (7/13)
by · 7255 views · LQ
Q&A session with Pr Torres, which might answer some of your questions. (more)
Winning Extended Family Members (8/13)
by · 7821 views · LQ
Sharing our beliefs with our family members can sometimes seem to be a daunting task. In this session, Pr Torres shares some principles about winning family members to Jesus. (more)
Ideas on How to Find #1 (9/13)
by · 7696 views · LQ
Most churches have no problem with hosting social events or programs. But how can we transform these events into finding grounds for those that are spiritually interested? (more)
Ideas on How to Find #2 (10/13)
by · 7676 views · LQ
Most churches have no problem with hosting social events or programs. But how can we transform these events into finding grounds for those that are spiritually interested? (more)
Leadership & Mentoring (11/13)
by · 7885 views · LQ
A good leader is not just someone that can get the job done, but someone who can also pass on knowledge and train others. Find out how we can inspire and mentor newborn Chrisitians to become leaders in our chur... (more)
How to Cultivate #1 (12/13)
by · 7092 views · LQ
As important as it is for us to sow the spiritual seed, we also need to cultivate it. The seed will not grow without someone to take good care of it. Find out some things that we can do in order to help others ... (more)
How to Cultivate #2 (13/13)
by · 6125 views · LQ
As important as it is for us to sow spiritual seed, we also need to cultivate it. The seed will not grow without someone to take good care of it. Find out some things that we can do in order to help others to g... (more)