Soul Winning

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Influence - Helping Others Through Health Ministry
by · 6630 views · HD
Everyone had an influence on others around them. How can we use our influence to help other people around us? (more)
Working of the Holy Spirit
by · 12193 views · HQ
Holy Spirit is still working as much today as He was back in the day of Pentecost. Godly miracles are still happening today. Let's find out how to work the Holy Spirit today! (more)
Training the Member
by · 11872 views · HQ
There are many that secretly wish they can do more for God, but don't think they can do it. Here is the good news for you: If you are willing, God can turn you to be a blessing to many! (more)
Three Ways to Reach People's Emotional Needs
by · 10657 views · HQ
Often it's not that difficult to fulfil one's physical needs, but how do we fulfil their emotional needs? (more)
Mystery of Multiplication
by · 12055 views · HQ
When the last time you saw a new member added to your church daily? Impossible? Well, It happened back at the early church and it certainly can happen today. Let's find out what we've been missing out from the ... (more)
by · 10885 views · HQ
What happened at Pentecost? Yes the Holy Spirit decent to earth, but do you know there are insights that we can learned from that day that will help us to reach to others? Let's find out! (more)
Systematic Training - Part I
by · 15636 views · HQ
Did you know statistically for every 10 people join the SDA church, 5 quit within 12 month of their baptism? And less than one of them will ever bring other people to Christ? If this continues, how are we going... (more)
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Systematic Training - Part II
by · 12592 views · HQ
Did you know statistically for every 10 people join the SDA church, 5 quit within 12 month of their baptism? And less than one of them will ever bring other people to Christ? If this continues, how are we going... (more)
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by · 10794 views · HQ
Want to work more closely with the Holy Spirit in the process ofsanctification? Learn how to move from problems to principles,conviction and ultimately character. Secrets to experiencing realchange in the li... (more)
Mountain Top Experience
by · 9648 views · LQ
Do you ever had that mountain top experience when things going according to plan, yet something happen and stuck you straight down? Let's listen to Pr. Finley experience and how it doesn't matter how bad things... (more)
God Invented Degrees
by · 25047 views · LQ
We live in a world where people are measured by their academic credential. This system has no root in the Bible, but let's find out how this system has creeping in into so many of our churches today. (more)
Soul Winning is a Science!
by · 8259 views · LQ
Did you ever gave Bible study to a person, yet that person just never made decision for Christ? Often we blame ourself for not being called to give Bible studies, but often it simply because we don't know how t... (more)
How to Win Soul Through Health - Part I
by · 8952 views · LQ
How can health reach people for Jesus where other ways would fail? Jesus’ ministry was largely made of ministering to people’s physical needs. How can we use public health evangelism as the right ar... (more)
How to Win Soul Through Health - Part II
by · 7902 views · LQ
How can health reach people for Jesus where other ways would fail? Jesus’ ministry was largely made of ministering to people’s physical needs. How can we use public health evangelism as the right ar... (more)
How to Win Soul Through Health - Part III
by · 6864 views · LQ
How can health reach people for Jesus where other ways would fail? Jesus’ ministry was largely made of ministering to people’s physical needs. How can we use public health evangelism as the right ar... (more)
Mobilising for Mission
by · 11261 views · HQ
We all know that running public evangelism meetings can be time consuming and expensive. What are the keys to effective evangelism meetings? How can we increase the its effectiveness? Let's ... (more)
Friendship Evangelism
by · 8868 views · LQ
Like or not many of us underestimate the importance of friendship evangelism. Let\'s discover more about it and how you too can create opportunities to share the gospel to others by simply being a loving and ca... (more)
Gaining Decisions for Christ #1
by · 19125 views · LQ
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Working of the Holy Spirit
by · 9883 views · LQ
Only the Holy Spirit is able to convict and change peoples\' hearts. Find out how to work with the Holy Spirit in our ministries. (more)
Personal Preparation
by · 9787 views · LQ
We are called to share the word of God with others, but it is very important for us to prepare ourselves for this blessed responsibility. Pr Torres shares some tips on personal preparation. (more)