"Working of the Holy Spirit" by Pr. Louis Torres

"Working of the Holy Spirit" by Pr. Louis Torres [HQ]

Holy Spirit is still working as much today as He was back in the day of Pentecost. Godly miracles are still happening today. Let's find out how to work the Holy Spirit today!

Date Posted: 21 Jan 2016
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Bible Worker & Laity Training (2016)
As one of the most experienced soul winner, evangelist and bible instructor in the SDA church, Pr. Louis Torres brought with him a wealth of experience and knowledge in areas of evangelism, preaching,... [more]

Video No 1 / 15


Working of the Holy Spirit (1/15)
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Holy Spirit is still working as much today as He was back in the day of Pentecost. Godly miracles are still happening today. Let's find out how to work the Holy Spirit today! (more)
Training the Member (2/15)
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Cycle of Evangelism (3/15)
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Many churches see evangelism as an event; however, true evangelism is a cycle. Pr Torres shares the biblical process of evangelism. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part I (4/15)
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The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part II (5/15)
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The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part III (6/15)
by · 9652 views · HQ
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Personal Preparation (7/15)
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We are called to share the word of God with others, but it is very important for us to prepare ourselves for this blessed responsibility. (more)
Sermon Preparation & Public Appeal (8/15)
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How long should a sermon be? How should it be structured? And is an appeal really that necessary? (more)
Finding Interest (9/15)
by · 11717 views · HQ
There are interest all around us. But many time we are not watching or looking for opportunity to find them. Here are some tip on how to find interest! (more)
Hermeneutic & Biblical Ordination (10/15)
by · 9713 views · HQ
Today there has been an insurgent among scholar coming up with new hermeneutic or how we interprets the Bible. Let's find out what it is and how it affect our view on Biblical ordination. (more)
Christ the Centre (11/15)
by · 10437 views · HQ
Many times in bible study we may refer to Christ, but did not show how Christ is the centre of that particular study. It is very important that every Bible study has Christ as it centre! (more)
Bible Study Success (12/15)
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Pr. Torres shares some tips on how to cultivate your "seed" to a decision for Christ! (more)
How to Preach? (Homiletic) (13/15)
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How to know what to preach? And how do you arrange & deliver your message? (more)
How to Reach the High Achiever? (14/15)
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There are misconception within the church that the rich people will not make it to the kingdom. Is it what the Bible actually says? Pr. Torres shares his experience of reaching out to the rich and powerful. (more)
Victory Over Impure Thought (15/15)
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About 80% of young people are active in what we called "self-abuse". The issue of sexual misconduct stands as the most degrading sin, polluting the whole character. Lest assured, in every temptation, Christ has... (more)


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