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by · 8280 views · HD
Jian life has been changed through out the Maker Heals program. This is her testimony! (more)
by · 5445 views · HD
All glory to God for His marvelous love and healing. Individuals are experiencing transformation in Jesus, our Maker and Healer. (more)
by · 5708 views · HD
My Testimony
by · 7966 views · HD
From World-Loving Adventist to Leprosy Ministry Volunteer to Three Angels' Medical Missionary (more)
by · 6909 views · HD
Being raised in a non-religious family, Hana wondered what kind of people are Christians? How can they believe in God? Are they a little crazy? And now she is serving in a church plant as a Bible Worker in Newc... (more)
by · 5354 views · HD
Living a rough life, many times Joe asked God for help to get out of tricky situations. God always helped him, but for some reason he always went straight back to his rough life. Then something happened... (more)
by · 7278 views · HD
Peter serves as an elder in Gateway Lighthouse. He also has a very demanding job in an ASX listed company as a financial asset manager. Here is how God has taught and blessed him to balance his work and ministr... (more)
by · 6604 views · HD
Nine years ago, someone shared the health message to Aaron. This sparked his journey to accept Christ as his personal saviour. Here is his testimony! (more)
by · 5819 views · HD
Growing up, Nikki had a legalistic mindset. She focused on her behaviour and how to be perfect so she could reach heaven. This is how God brought her back to more balance views. (more)
by · 6542 views · HD
Living as a comfortable Christian, Roshni feels the emptiness within. God was just a visitor not a resident in her heart. He was her provider, but not her Father. He was her protector and not her comforter. (more)
by · 6569 views · HD
After a discouraging day doing community surveys looking for Bible study interests, Taylah meets a guy that is interested, the only problem is he only speaks Chinese and she doesn’t understand a single wo... (more)
by · 6097 views · HD
Jack was growing up among Adventists, going to an Adventist school and knew all the doctrines. However, his life was no different from the heathen. He thought living like the world would make him happy, but he ... (more)
by · 6198 views · HD
Growing up in a Christian family. Serving in church week in, week out had become a habit but deep inside Randy feels empty. Then something happened that changed his life. (more)
Experience Him - Part VI
by · 11316 views · HD
It's always exciting to hear the story of how God blessed the Aenon health retreat. But the devil also attack them like crazy. Here are some of them and how God always deliver David and his team through them al... (more)
Experience Him - Part IV
by · 9647 views · HD
In 1995, David was finishing his study at Hartland. He asks God where he should go. The answer is not what he is expecting. (more)
Experience Him - Part V
by · 8972 views · HD
In 2007, as Aenon grows, their current facilities are no longer sufficient. Yet they don’t have the financial mean to move. This is how God miraculously raise the money for them to acquire their new facil... (more)
Experience Him - Part III
by · 9009 views · HD
After graduating from Hartland in 1992, David learn the theory of medical missionary, but none of the practical. He prays hard to God to teach him what to do. This is how God answer his prayers! (more)
The Bus That God Brought
by · 10454 views · HD
After reading all the amazing stories in the Bible, Candice thinks: Why can't I have the same experiences?, Did God loves Moses more than He loves me?. This is her testimony. (more)
Experience Him - Part I
by · 8269 views · HD
David started Aenon health retreat in 1999, now it welcomes over 100 guess every month with 3 months waiting list. And it’s all started by his desires to experience God's supernatural powers. (more)
Experience Him - Part II
by · 7857 views · HD
When Aenon started in 1999, no one knows what health retreat or lifestyle centre is. Many thinks he is very smart and so far ahead of everyone body else. Let's find out the truth! (more)