Bible Weekend

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Hope in the Midst of Trials
by · 8935 views · HD
Contrast Between God's People & The Mob
by · 6792 views · HD
Proclaiming Truth & Hope Amid False Revivals
by · 5555 views · HD
Hope & Courage in Strange Time
by · 6430 views · HD
Heaven, Paradise & the Promise of God
by · 5856 views · HD
Full of Hope & Courage in The Shaking time
by · 6609 views · HD
How can we survive the soon coming shaking time? (more)
Proclaiming Truth & Hope in the Last Days
by · 5436 views · HQ
Why, When & how to leave the cities? (more)
Closing Remark
by · 6738 views · HD
Soldiers of Christ Lessons - From Gideon
by · 6172 views · HD
God's ways are higher than our ways. The least likely person, completely submitted to and dependent upon God, girded with whole armor of God, can be used to shine the light of His character. (more)
Assessing & Applying Fasting
by · 7584 views · HD
The benefits of proper fasting (and recovery) are enormous. Learn how to assess individual's health needs and apply the appropriate type and duration of fasting. (more)
King of the North & South
by · 7260 views · HD
Let’s study the prophetic chapter of Daniel 11 to uncover it's misteries and what it mean for us today. (more)
The Three Angels Message - Part II
by · 6164 views · HD
Heart Healing & Relationships
by · 10159 views · HD
Satan wants to keep us bound so we cannot fully open our hearts to Jesus. We can experience heart healing and renewed relationships through the Word of God. (more)
Genuine Medical Missionary Work
by · 7966 views · HD
What is genuine medical missionary work? How can we become genuine (in contrast with 'counterfeit') medical missionaries? (more)
The Three Angels Message - Part I
by · 6174 views · HD
The 3 Angels' Message has personal implications for us to experience a return to the Creator God AND an exit from Babylon. (more)
What Does It Mean to Have Faith
by · 5827 views · HD
Lessons from Leprosy
by · 9722 views · HD
The leprosy of sin and selfishness is insidious. But what can we learn? Learn powerful lessons from the stories of lepers found in the Bible (Mark 1 and 2 Kings 5). (more)
Combining Fruits & Vegetables
by · 7531 views · HD
Understand the principles of combining fruits and vegetables. Learn salad and salad dressing recipes. (more)
What to Eat & What Not to Eat
by · 6869 views · HD
Learn the principles of healthy eating and cooking as found to be effective for healing and preventing disease. (more)
Overcoming Appetite
by · 6736 views · HD
Appetite has a strong hold on humanity. But Jesus has overcome appetite on our behalf. When we are born again in Christ, even our tastebuds and self-control are made new. (more)