"Genuine Medical Missionary Work" by Joy Cho

"Genuine Medical Missionary Work" by Joy Cho [HQ]

What is genuine medical missionary work? How can we become genuine (in contrast with 'counterfeit') medical missionaries?

Date Posted: 07 May 2020
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The Maker Heals
Learn how combining the gospel and God's principles of health can bring healing physically, mentally, spiritually. [more]

Video No 15 / 25


Combining Fruits & Vegetables (12/25)
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Understand the principles of combining fruits and vegetables. Learn salad and salad dressing recipes. (more)
Overcoming Appetite (9/25)
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Appetite has a strong hold on humanity. But Jesus has overcome appetite on our behalf. When we are born again in Christ, even our tastebuds and self-control are made new. (more)
God's Natural Remedies (8/25)
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God's natural remedies are simple, inexpensive, and effective. They do not have any side effects. A TB patient was healed by God through His natural ways. (more)
The One Thing (4/25)
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What is the ONE THING that we are lacking? What is the ONE THING that we need? (more)
The Maker Heals Orientation (1/25)
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Welcome to the Maker Heals. The One who made us knows how to heal us. Let's begin this journey to know and follow Him! (more)
Lessons from Leprosy (10/25)
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The leprosy of sin and selfishness is insidious. But what can we learn? Learn powerful lessons from the stories of lepers found in the Bible (Mark 1 and 2 Kings 5). (more)
The True Fast (7/25)
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The true fast of Isaiah 58: 'The spirit of true fasting and prayer is the spirit which yields mind, heart, and will to God.' -EGW (more)
Cities of Refuge (2/25)
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We are all 'unintentional killers' who deserve death. Run to the City of Refuge, Jesus Christ, without delay! (more)
The Seed, the Soil & Self (5/25)
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Insights from the Parable of the Sower.  (more)
My Testimony (3/25)
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From World-Loving Adventist to Leprosy Ministry Volunteer to Three Angels' Medical Missionary (more)
Fasting & Recovery Meals (6/25)
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How to fast, why we fast, and how to do recovery meals properly. (more)
What to Eat & What Not to Eat (11/25)
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Learn the principles of healthy eating and cooking as found to be effective for healing and preventing disease. (more)
Closing Remark (25/25)
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Testimony (23/25)
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Jian life has been changed through out the Maker Heals program. This is her testimony! (more)
Testimony (24/25)
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All glory to God for His marvelous love and healing. Individuals are experiencing transformation in Jesus, our Maker and Healer. (more)
Assessing & Applying Fasting (18/25)
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The benefits of proper fasting (and recovery) are enormous. Learn how to assess individual's health needs and apply the appropriate type and duration of fasting. (more)
Testimony (20/25)
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The Three Angels Message - Part I (16/25)
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The 3 Angels' Message has personal implications for us to experience a return to the Creator God AND an exit from Babylon. (more)
What Does It Mean to Have Faith (17/25)
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The Three Angels Message - Part II (19/25)
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Knowing Who You Are (13/25)
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Genuine Medical Missionary Work (15/25)
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What is genuine medical missionary work? How can we become genuine (in contrast with 'counterfeit') medical missionaries? (more)
Soldiers of Christ Lessons - From Gideon (22/25)
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God's ways are higher than our ways. The least likely person, completely submitted to and dependent upon God, girded with whole armor of God, can be used to shine the light of His character. (more)
King of the North & South (21/25)
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Let’s study the prophetic chapter of Daniel 11 to uncover it's misteries and what it mean for us today. (more)
Heart Healing & Relationships (14/25)
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Satan wants to keep us bound so we cannot fully open our hearts to Jesus. We can experience heart healing and renewed relationships through the Word of God. (more)


The Goal of Campus Ministry
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Many of us wish to reach out to our classmate. Let's start with a clear goal in our mind as we do so! (more)
Introduction to Kickstart Your Online Church
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Introduction to the kickstart your online church video series.  (more)
Worship Seminar
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What is worship? Is your church following the Biblical model and principles during your Sabbath Divine Service hour? What can you do to improve your worship time? This seminar is designed to answer all these qu... (more)
My Testimony
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Obed raise in a stable family of four. However growing up with a sense of security, He doesn't feel the need of a saviour. (more)
The Life-giving principles of NCD
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How do we unlock the potential that God has placed within our congregational? Learn how to impassion your members, align your ministries to a shared direction and became a strong healthy church through Natural ... (more)
Urban Mission
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The Why, the Who and the How to work in the big cities of the world. (more)
Chasing Rabbit
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In fear of being left-behind, many churches spend a lot of effort, time and resources chasing a fad. Sadly, most don't even realise that they are. Let’s find out how to not fell into the same pit! (more)
Choosing a Life Partner - Part I
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Believe it or not, marriage & family is a ministry! Let's find out the Biblical concepts of what is marriage, how to find your life partner and how to keep a marriage last. (more)
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Most of people come to ministry with missconceptions about God's ministry. And without realising it, this missconception stop them for being what God's want them to be. Let's discover the most common missconcep... (more)
Satan's Worse Nightmare - Part IV
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Do you ever wish you can give the Devil a nightmare? The Spirit of Prophecy teaches us exact how! (more)
Spiritual Gifts
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Beyond the Veil of Darkness
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After her baptism, her husband is on a mission to convert her to Muslim, whatever it takes. But God uses this opportunity to sent her as undercover agent for Him in Saudi Arabia. (more)