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What To Do After an Evangelistic Meeting?
by · 7129 views · HD
After the evangelistic meeting is over, how to retain people in the church?  What type of follow up can you do to be most effective? (more)
Evangelistic Visitation
by · 8066 views · HD
Visitation is a vital part of a successful evangelism campaign. Let’s learn four phases of visitation that will help you to have more abundant harvest. (more)
Factors Affecting Prayer
by · 7587 views · LQ
What are the factor that affect a prayer? It is more than just whether you or the other person have faith. Find out more. (more)
Praying for the Sick
by · 7444 views · LQ
Find out the importance of prayer for the sick and how we can turn it into a ministry in our churches. (more)
How to make every Visit/Bible Study Count
by · 21603 views · HQ
In our visitations or bible studies we should never ask the questions "where am I?" and "where do I want to happen in this person\'s life?" but we should ask "where are they?" and "what does God want to happen ... (more)
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The Privilege of Sharing Jesus with Others
by · 16101 views · HQ
Despite many of us taking for granted the privilege of sharing Jesus with others, Pr Mark describes it as "the greatest joy in life". Find out why he describes it that way. (more)
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The Importance of Nurture and Follow Up
by · 15258 views · HQ
Did you know that nurture and follow up is twice as important as preparation work? It is unfortunate that many churches fail in these areas. Find out what you can do in order to nurture and follow up with the n... (more)