"Praying for the Sick" by Bruce Bauer

"Praying for the Sick" by Bruce Bauer [LQ]

Find out the importance of prayer for the sick and how we can turn it into a ministry in our churches.

Date Posted: 19 Nov 2008
Select Quality: LQ

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Leaders as Disciple Makers
Disciple making is not just a job for our pastor and/or bible workers. It is a role for all members of our churches. Dr Bruce Bauer has served in the ministry in many countries, including Japan, Gua... [more]

Video No 5 / 5


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Praying for the Sick (5/5)
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Find out the importance of prayer for the sick and how we can turn it into a ministry in our churches. (more)


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Discipleship is the engine behind CARE Groups. If we consider the metaphor of a vehicle, CARE group is the is the body but Discipleship is the engine.  It is not glamorous work in ministry but essential to... (more)
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What are the factor that affect a prayer? It is more than just whether you or the other person have faith. Find out more. (more)
Paradigm Shift
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Local churches are fixated on a broken paradigm for soul winning. Too often large amount of effort and funds had been spent on yearly public evangelism to yield little results. Furthermore there is no disciples... (more)
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门徒训练不仅仅是一个理论,在新约中它更注重实践而不只是教导。这里将展示四个实用的内容来帮助我们开始或者坚固你教会中的门徒训练。 (more)