"Process of Baptism" by Johnny Wong

"Process of Baptism" by Johnny Wong [LQ]

When the Biblical foundation on Baptism is clear we can then develop a healthier model in the local church. The local church board has to grapple with the decision to approve a baptismal candidate. How can the leaders make wise decision here and what process can facilitate this better?

Date Posted: 03 Oct 2013
Select Quality: LQ
Practical Leadership
Did you know a church is the world's toughest enterprise to run? It is often easier to run a large worldwide corporation than running a church! In this series, we will learn how we can be an effectiv... [more]

Video No 12 / 13


Devotion - Going Fishing (1/13)
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Biblical Foundation - Uniqueness of the SDA Message (2/13)
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Practical Vision Development (3/13)
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Biblical Foundation - Pre-requisite to Vision (4/13)
by · 6397 views · LQ
In a careful study of Nehemiah, we learn there are three P's before God given vision can be clear in the heart of the leader chosen by God. God places this vision and linked to His passion for people and the le... (more)
Practical Implementation of Revival (5/13)
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Devotional - Hearing God's Voice (7/13)
by · 6406 views · LQ
Leaders are to be led by the Spirit. Each day they need to hear God's voice to direct and led their lives. How can they help others and lead others if they do not themselves hear God's voice? Bible leaders all... (more)
Leadership: Managing Change in the Local church (8/13)
by · 7796 views · LQ
Each time a good idea or a vision is given, our greatest barrier is people that do not like change. Change in a local church is hard to manage. How can we drive change without getting people off side? How can... (more)
Linking Visions to Plans (10/13)
by · 6269 views · LQ
With the current yearly process of Nominating Committees in local churches, how do we link a long term multi-year strategy to annual plans? If the new Nominating committee is unaware of the strategy it will me... (more)
Theology of Baptism (11/13)
by · 6190 views · LQ
Retention is a serious issue in the SDA church today. There are two main reasons for the poor retention - a) pre-mature baptisms and b) lack of discipleship. In this session we look at the Biblical model and p... (more)
Process of Baptism (12/13)
by · 7600 views · LQ
When the Biblical foundation on Baptism is clear we can then develop a healthier model in the local church. The local church board has to grapple with the decision to approve a baptismal candidate. How can the... (more)
Devotion - Feed Yourself (13/13)
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This is devotional in which we learn three key questions to ask when leaders study a passage of Scripture. We learn to see the key observations, principles and applications. Application often is the weakest pa... (more)
Forming Vision & Mission in the Local Church (9/13)
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Mobilising for Mission
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We all know that running public evangelism meetings can be time consuming and expensive. What are the keys to effective evangelism meetings? How can we increase the its effectiveness? Let's ... (more)
Leadership & Mentoring
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A good leader is not just someone that can get the job done, but someone who can also pass on knowledge and train others. Find out how we can inspire and mentor newborn Chrisitians to become leaders in our chur... (more)
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Biblical Foundation - Pre-requisite to Vision
by · 6397 views · LQ
In a careful study of Nehemiah, we learn there are three P's before God given vision can be clear in the heart of the leader chosen by God. God places this vision and linked to His passion for people and the le... (more)
Devotion - Feed Yourself
by · 7696 views · LQ
This is devotional in which we learn three key questions to ask when leaders study a passage of Scripture. We learn to see the key observations, principles and applications. Application often is the weakest pa... (more)
Tools Every Disciple Needs to Have
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Leadership: Managing Change in the Local church
by · 7796 views · LQ
Each time a good idea or a vision is given, our greatest barrier is people that do not like change. Change in a local church is hard to manage. How can we drive change without getting people off side? How can... (more)
Process of Baptism
by · 7600 views · LQ
When the Biblical foundation on Baptism is clear we can then develop a healthier model in the local church. The local church board has to grapple with the decision to approve a baptismal candidate. How can the... (more)
Systematic Training - Part I
by · 15634 views · HQ
Did you know statistically for every 10 people join the SDA church, 5 quit within 12 month of their baptism? And less than one of them will ever bring other people to Christ? If this continues, how are we going... (more)