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Deciphering the Interest - Part I
by · 7074 views · HD
Not all who comes to your events has a genuine interest. Let's find out how to decipher which one is and which one isn't. (more)
Deciphering the Interest - Part II
by · 6436 views · HD
Not all who comes to your events has a genuine interest. Let's find out how to decipher which one is and which one isn't. (more)
Gaining Decisions
by · 10721 views · HD
No one make major decision in an instant. It takes sometimes. Let's learn the four phases of decision-making process to help your contact make their decision to follow Christ. (more)
Tools Every Disciple Needs to Have
by · 8971 views · HD
Right tool makes the job easier. This apply to discipling as well. Here are some ‘tools’ that you want to have with you when go outside sharing the Gospel. (more)
Discipleship in the Digital Age
by · 10956 views · HD
Most of us realise what the digital age can do for us. But how many of you realise what it can undo from us? (more)
by · 15480 views · HD
Let’s take a look at the fifth phase, the most often neglected and forgotten phased in the cycle of evangelism in depth: Discipleship. (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part I
by · 17055 views · HQ
What Discipleship is not is equally important as to understand what discipleship is! The next series of 3 videos highlights the foundational pieces of discipleship. At Gateway we have adopted a systematic tra... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part III
by · 16908 views · HQ
In closing the series of 12 video, we now look at the final component for discipleship and how do we get started.  Often we need to make small bit size changes rather than try to implement all the changes ... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part II
by · 15256 views · HQ
Jesus great commission for us is to make disciple, not just to make members. The challenge with most churches is that we only produce members but not a worker for the harvest. Jesus in Revelation 14 is seen as ... (more)
Biblical Foundation for Dicipleship
by · 13489 views · LQ
Discipleship is the engine behind CARE Groups. If we consider the metaphor of a vehicle, CARE group is the is the body but Discipleship is the engine.  It is not glamorous work in ministry but essential to... (more)
by · 19749 views · HQ
每个人都知道属灵的成长-但实际上这意味着什么?在这个讲座中我们看看基督徒从圣经中正常成长的四个阶段。如果我们知道自己处于哪个阶段,我们就可以寻求上帝来帮助我们继续成长。运用门徒训练的框架例如FAST轨迹,我们就可以帮助培训一个本地教会。 (more)
by · 19695 views · HQ
耶稣和新约教会给我们一个可行的门徒训练模式。耶稣用门徒训练模式来改造世界。这个模式有什么因素让早期教会能经历一个爆炸性的增长并能继续保持呢? (more)
by · 17054 views · HQ
我们经常看到很多刚受洗的基督徒离开教会。我们在数月内为这些人,尤其是年轻人受洗,然后他们离开教会。在一些地方仅有30%的人留在教会。为什么呢?门徒训练是解决这个严重问题的关键。但需要怎样的门徒训练?什么是基于圣经的门徒训练? (more)
by · 15268 views · HQ
门徒训练不仅仅是一个理论,在新约中它更注重实践而不只是教导。这里将展示四个实用的内容来帮助我们开始或者坚固你教会中的门徒训练。 (more)
One With Christ
by · 13571 views · HQ
When we invite people to Christ we told them that God promise fulfilment and will make their lives full of meaning and joy. But unfortunately this is not the case for many. Instead of victory, its defeat. Inste... (more)
Process of Baptism
by · 7668 views · LQ
When the Biblical foundation on Baptism is clear we can then develop a healthier model in the local church. The local church board has to grapple with the decision to approve a baptismal candidate. How can the... (more)
Theology of Baptism
by · 6275 views · LQ
Retention is a serious issue in the SDA church today. There are two main reasons for the poor retention - a) pre-mature baptisms and b) lack of discipleship. In this session we look at the Biblical model and p... (more)
Paradigm Shift
by · 31539 views · HQ
Local churches are fixated on a broken paradigm for soul winning. Too often large amount of effort and funds had been spent on yearly public evangelism to yield little results. Furthermore there is no disciples... (more)
Mentoring Testimony
by · 14012 views · HQ
As a leader in the church, how do we mentor newly baptise so that they too can become spiritually mature and ready to carry on the work? Here are some testimonies of a good mentoring and how much blessing it ca... (more)
The Secret Key of Multiplication
by · 12679 views · HQ
When the last time you saw a new member added to your church daily? Impossible? Well, It happened back at the early church and it certainly can happen today. Let's find out what weve been missing out from the e... (more)