"Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part III" by Johnny Wong

"Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part III" by Johnny Wong [HQ]

In closing the series of 12 video, we now look at the final component for discipleship and how do we get started.  Often we need to make small bit size changes rather than try to implement all the changes at once.  How do we start seeing God's vision?  How do I find 2-3 that share the same vision?  How do we get going? Answers are in this video.

Date Posted: 04 Jul 2015
Select Quality: LQ | HQ

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Care Group & Discipleship Training
"Small group ministry...It doesn't work in Adventist churches." or "Our group keeps dying after an initial start" - These statements are often repeated, yet in Gateway Adventist Centre, Melbourne... [more]

Video No 12 / 12


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