"Paradigm Shift" by Johnny Wong

"Paradigm Shift" by Johnny Wong [HQ]

Local churches are fixated on a broken paradigm for soul winning. Too often large amount of effort and funds had been spent on yearly public evangelism to yield little results. Furthermore there is no discipleship for the newly baptised and within 12 months majority had left the local church. God desires us to 'finish the work' but we need a new paradigm which is actually an old one from the New Testament church.

Date Posted: 10 Jul 2013
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
Care Group & Discipleship Training
"Small group ministry...It doesn't work in Adventist churches." or "Our group keeps dying after an initial start" - These statements are often repeated, yet in Gateway Adventist Centre, Melbourne... [more]

Video No 1 / 12


Paradigm Shift (1/12)
by · 30896 views · HQ
Local churches are fixated on a broken paradigm for soul winning. Too often large amount of effort and funds had been spent on yearly public evangelism to yield little results. Furthermore there is no disciples... (more)
New Testament Church Model (2/12)
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By studying the Book of Acts and Spirit of Prophecy, we discovered how the early church had an explosion in soul winning and retention of their members.  We uncovered three critical elements based on the w... (more)
SDA Pioneer History & Gateway Case Study (3/12)
by · 23864 views · HQ
When we discovered what our SDA pioneers did in soul winning, we realised they followed the paradigm found in the New Testament. We can learn from their pioneering spirit as they enter new cities and countries ... (more)
CARE Group Principles (4/12)
by · 20498 views · LQ
If you ask your local church board members one at a time, what is the vision for your local church in the next 3 years, how many answers will you get?  Too often we get multiple answers and often are unali... (more)
Biblical Model (5/12)
by · 20295 views · HQ
Some are not convinced about the importance of CARE group in their local church. This is because they may not be familiar with the Biblical mandate and reasons.  As we unpack Mark chapter two we see a powe... (more)
Components in a CARE Group - Part I (6/12)
by · 22010 views · HQ
Theory and more theory is NOT what we need for CARE groups. SDA have been talking about small group ministries for decades.  What we need is practical instructions!  In these next two videos we share ... (more)
Components in a CARE Group - Part II (7/12)
by · 17679 views · HQ
In the second practical part of Acts 2:42, we learn how to bring it all together. How can a CARE group operate each week in a busy city, with busy city dwellers, and city professional.  Take these case stu... (more)
Five Practical Components (8/12)
by · 12105 views · LQ
Many of us have been involved in small groups that starts and then it dies! Have you seen that in your own experience? Why is it your small group gradually close down? If one conducts a postmortem of dead sm... (more)
Biblical Foundation for Dicipleship (9/12)
by · 13274 views · LQ
Discipleship is the engine behind CARE Groups. If we consider the metaphor of a vehicle, CARE group is the is the body but Discipleship is the engine.  It is not glamorous work in ministry but essential to... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part I (10/12)
by · 16675 views · HQ
What Discipleship is not is equally important as to understand what discipleship is! The next series of 3 videos highlights the foundational pieces of discipleship. At Gateway we have adopted a systematic tra... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part II (11/12)
by · 14988 views · HQ
Jesus great commission for us is to make disciple, not just to make members. The challenge with most churches is that we only produce members but not a worker for the harvest. Jesus in Revelation 14 is seen as ... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part III (12/12)
by · 16570 views · HQ
In closing the series of 12 video, we now look at the final component for discipleship and how do we get started.  Often we need to make small bit size changes rather than try to implement all the changes ... (more)


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The Fruit of Revival is Obedience
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