"Pantecost" by Dan Vis

"Pantecost" by Dan Vis [HQ]

What happened at Pentecost? Yes the Holy Spirit decent to earth, but do you know there are insights that we can learned from that day that will help us to reach to others? Let's find out!

Date Posted: 03 May 2012
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
The Domino Effect 2012
Have you ever thought about reaching out to a lost person with a prayerful desire to lead them to Christ? What does it mean to be a disciples and how do disciple a person? Come and find out whats invo... [more]

Video No 2 / 6


Mystery of Multiplication (1/6)
by · 12055 views · HQ
When the last time you saw a new member added to your church daily? Impossible? Well, It happened back at the early church and it certainly can happen today. Let's find out what we've been missing out from the ... (more)
Pantecost (2/6)
by · 10885 views · HQ
What happened at Pentecost? Yes the Holy Spirit decent to earth, but do you know there are insights that we can learned from that day that will help us to reach to others? Let's find out! (more)
My Testimony (4/6)
by · 13834 views · HQ
Pastor Dan Vis wasn't brought up Adventist. Today, his FAST discipleship program is used by many churches worldwide and his online course has recently passed 5000 students mark. How did it all happen? Let's fin... (more)
The Lost Art of Disciple-Making (5/6)
by · 8452 views · HQ
Disciple-making is not a new concept. Jesus did it to his disciples, the early churches did it to the newly baptise. Unfortunately many of us have somehow overlooked it. Let's rediscover on how to make disciple... (more)
Explosion Formula (3/6)
by · 12048 views · HQ
Do you realise that our church as it is winning less soul than that is born in this world daily? Let's discover a new dramatic change of the way we can shares the gospel that could eventually finish the work. (more)


How to Cultivate #1
by · 7092 views · LQ
As important as it is for us to sow the spiritual seed, we also need to cultivate it. The seed will not grow without someone to take good care of it. Find out some things that we can do in order to help others ... (more)
Disciple Wheel
by · 11631 views · HQ
Being Jesus' disciples are much more than being baptised and joining the Church. Just as Jesus' disciples did, we are expected to do share the Gospel to others around us. However, just as Jesus did, we must tra... (more)
Gaining Decisions for Christ #1
by · 19125 views · LQ
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Question & Answer Session #1
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Q&A session with Pr Torres, which might answer some of your questions. (more)
Winning Extended Family Members
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Sharing our beliefs with our family members can sometimes seem to be a daunting task. In this session, Pr Torres shares some principles about winning family members to Jesus. (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part I
by · 16675 views · HQ
What Discipleship is not is equally important as to understand what discipleship is! The next series of 3 videos highlights the foundational pieces of discipleship. At Gateway we have adopted a systematic tra... (more)
by · 14696 views · HD
Let’s take a look at the fifth phase, the most often neglected and forgotten phased in the cycle of evangelism in depth: Discipleship. (more)
Explosion Formula
by · 13499 views · HQ
Do you realise that our church as it is winning less soul than that is born in this world daily? Let's discover a new dramatic change of the way we can shares the gospel that could eventually fin... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part II
by · 14988 views · HQ
Jesus great commission for us is to make disciple, not just to make members. The challenge with most churches is that we only produce members but not a worker for the harvest. Jesus in Revelation 14 is seen as ... (more)
by · 16567 views · HQ
我们经常看到很多刚受洗的基督徒离开教会。我们在数月内为这些人,尤其是年轻人受洗,然后他们离开教会。在一些地方仅有30%的人留在教会。为什么呢?门徒训练是解决这个严重问题的关键。但需要怎样的门徒训练?什么是基于圣经的门徒训练? (more)
God Invented Degrees
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We live in a world where people are measured by their academic credential. This system has no root in the Bible, but let's find out how this system has creeping in into so many of our churches today. (more)
Explosion Formula
by · 12048 views · HQ
Do you realise that our church as it is winning less soul than that is born in this world daily? Let's discover a new dramatic change of the way we can shares the gospel that could eventually finish the work. (more)