"Bible Study Success" by Pr. Louis Torres

"Bible Study Success" by Pr. Louis Torres [HQ]

Pr. Torres shares some tips on how to cultivate your "seed" to a decision for Christ!

Date Posted: 11 Feb 2016
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Bible Worker & Laity Training (2016)
As one of the most experienced soul winner, evangelist and bible instructor in the SDA church, Pr. Louis Torres brought with him a wealth of experience and knowledge in areas of evangelism, preaching,... [more]

Video No 12 / 15


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Training the Member (2/15)
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There are many that secretly wish they can do more for God, but don't think they can do it. Here is the good news for you: If you are willing, God can turn you to be a blessing to many! (more)
Cycle of Evangelism (3/15)
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Many churches see evangelism as an event; however, true evangelism is a cycle. Pr Torres shares the biblical process of evangelism. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part I (4/15)
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The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part II (5/15)
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The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part III (6/15)
by · 9909 views · HQ
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Personal Preparation (7/15)
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We are called to share the word of God with others, but it is very important for us to prepare ourselves for this blessed responsibility. (more)
Sermon Preparation & Public Appeal (8/15)
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How long should a sermon be? How should it be structured? And is an appeal really that necessary? (more)
Finding Interest (9/15)
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There are interest all around us. But many time we are not watching or looking for opportunity to find them. Here are some tip on how to find interest! (more)
Hermeneutic & Biblical Ordination (10/15)
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Today there has been an insurgent among scholar coming up with new hermeneutic or how we interprets the Bible. Let's find out what it is and how it affect our view on Biblical ordination. (more)
Christ the Centre (11/15)
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Many times in bible study we may refer to Christ, but did not show how Christ is the centre of that particular study. It is very important that every Bible study has Christ as it centre! (more)
Bible Study Success (12/15)
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Pr. Torres shares some tips on how to cultivate your "seed" to a decision for Christ! (more)
How to Preach? (Homiletic) (13/15)
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How to know what to preach? And how do you arrange & deliver your message? (more)
How to Reach the High Achiever? (14/15)
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There are misconception within the church that the rich people will not make it to the kingdom. Is it what the Bible actually says? Pr. Torres shares his experience of reaching out to the rich and powerful. (more)
Victory Over Impure Thought (15/15)
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About 80% of young people are active in what we called "self-abuse". The issue of sexual misconduct stands as the most degrading sin, polluting the whole character. Lest assured, in every temptation, Christ has... (more)


Keeping Each Study Christ-Centered
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How to Study the Bible - Part III
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Many times, we can read the Bible and miss a lot of the important truths that it has to offer. This workshop trains you to be able to study the Word of God so that you gain a better understanding as well as ena... (more)
Handling Distractions During a Study
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What do you do when you show up for a Bible study and the Bible student is distracted? Maybe there are guests in the home. Maybe the kids are running wild. Maybe the study keeps going off-topic with stories or ... (more)
How to Help Others in Making Decisions Part II
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In soul winning we are required to know when to make the appeal, we need to know how to work with people, and we need to know what is going on in their mind. Pr Mark shares more principles on how to do this. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part III
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The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Here is some advice on how to gain those decisions. (more)
How to Correctly Interpret the Bible - Part I
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Jesus said in the last days there will be deceptions that even "the very elect" or long term Christians may be deceived. By learning proper hermeneutics we can safe guard ourselves from any wind of doctrine. We... (more)
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World view - it might sound a funny thing to talk about. But like it or not it is impacting our ministry. It\'s like wearing glasses without realising it. So what does the term \'world view\' mean and why is ... (more)
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Most of people come to ministry with missconceptions about God's ministry. And without realising it, this missconception stop them for being what God's want them to be. Let's discover the most common missconcep... (more)
How to Help Others in Making Decisions Part III
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In soul winning we are required to know when to make the appeal, we need to know how to work with people, and we need to know what is going on in their mind. Pr Mark shares more principles on how to do this. (more)
At That Time - Part II
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In depth study of the prophecies in the book of Daniel (more)
Gaining Decision - Part III
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The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Pr Torres shares some advice on gaining decisions. (more)
Clearing a Candidate - Part I
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