"God Invented Degrees" by Randy Skeete

"God Invented Degrees" by Randy Skeete [LQ]

We live in a world where people are measured by their academic credential. This system has no root in the Bible, but let's find out how this system has creeping in into so many of our churches today.

Date Posted: 13 Jan 2011
Select Quality: LQ
AYC 2007

Video No 7 / 12


The Relevant of Ellen G. White to the Chuch Today (1/12)
by · 9224 views · LQ
Does Ellen G. White speak to the church today? If so how? Let's find out! (more)
The Importance of Appeal (2/12)
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Realise it or not most of us underestimated the importance of appeal. Ellen White said "The secret of our success is to make a direct appeal to the heart". Let's find out how! (more)
Missconception (3/12)
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Most of people come to ministry with missconceptions about God's ministry. And without realising it, this missconception stop them for being what God's want them to be. Let's discover the most common missconcep... (more)
Soul Winning is a Science! (4/12)
by · 8259 views · LQ
Did you ever gave Bible study to a person, yet that person just never made decision for Christ? Often we blame ourself for not being called to give Bible studies, but often it simply because we don't know how t... (more)
Undelivered Message (5/12)
by · 7705 views · LQ
Do you ever leave an important message for someone, yet that someone never got the message? The consequences can be fatal. Let's find out the most important message that God has entrusted us to deliver. (more)
Responding to Conviction (6/12)
by · 7342 views · LQ
How do we know when people is under conviction? Let's find out how to recognise conviction and most importantly how to respond to it! (more)
God Invented Degrees (7/12)
by · 25046 views · LQ
We live in a world where people are measured by their academic credential. This system has no root in the Bible, but let's find out how this system has creeping in into so many of our churches today. (more)
Who Made You? (8/12)
by · 9091 views · LQ
Do you ever heard a term "self made" men or women? Truely, what are we really made of? What gave us our value? (more)
Who Shall Be Able To Stand? (9/12)
by · 10405 views · LQ
Who shall be able to stand when Jesus comes back for the second time? He will come with all His holy angels with the glory of His holiness. Sin cannot stand in the presence of God. So then who can stand before ... (more)
Peter and the Fire (10/12)
by · 7465 views · LQ
How do you know when you are called to serve God? How can you know that you are ready to do God's work? This presentation looks into the life of Peter and teaches from his experience the lessons of self-discove... (more)
Mountain Top Experience (11/12)
by · 9648 views · LQ
Do you ever had that mountain top experience when things going according to plan, yet something happen and stuck you straight down? Let's listen to Pr. Finley experience and how it doesn't matter how bad things... (more)


Making Friend & Building Bridges
by · 10074 views · HD
Sadly today, we almost forgotten the art of making friends. Unfortunately, there is simply no way to witness of a God of infinite love without showing a degree of genuine love. Let’s learn back this lost ... (more)
Children's Ministries During Public Evangelism
by · 7582 views · HD
Join Melissa Bradshaw as she shares how to plan engaging and effective children's ministries during your church's evangelistic series. (more)
Effective Biblical Preaching Part III
by · 14154 views · HD
Have you ever had a desire to preach powerfully and effectively? What is the secret to communication and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit? How are we able to preach clearly the messages the Bible has for... (more)
A Precious Moment
by · 10915 views · HD
Psalm 126:5 says “Those who sow in tears, shall reap in joy”. What does this verse referring to by saying sow in tears? (more)
Cycle of Evangelism
by · 12154 views · HQ
Many churches see evangelism as an event; however, true evangelism is a cycle. Pr Torres shares the biblical process of evangelism. (more)
Paradigm Shift
by · 30896 views · HQ
Local churches are fixated on a broken paradigm for soul winning. Too often large amount of effort and funds had been spent on yearly public evangelism to yield little results. Furthermore there is no disciples... (more)
God Invented Degrees
by · 25046 views · LQ
We live in a world where people are measured by their academic credential. This system has no root in the Bible, but let's find out how this system has creeping in into so many of our churches today. (more)
Motivating the Laity
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How can we get church members involved in ministry? (more)
by · 18538 views · HD
This year's AYC theme is to "Rise and Build". This study explores how to access power for both. Is there a difference between the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, and its power? Let's find ... (more)
Working of the Holy Spirit
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Holy Spirit is still working as much today as He was back in the day of Pentecost. Godly miracles are still happening today. Let's find out how to work the Holy Spirit today! (more)
Explosion Formula
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Do you realise that our church as it is winning less soul than that is born in this world daily? Let's discover a new dramatic change of the way we can shares the gospel that could eventually fin... (more)
Winning Extended Family Members
by · 7825 views · LQ
Sharing our beliefs with our family members can sometimes seem to be a daunting task. In this session, Pr Torres shares some principles about winning family members to Jesus. (more)