"Bible Worker & Laity Training" by It is Written & Harvest Victoria

A spiritually uplifting evangelism training during the Australia Day Weekend with It Is Written evangelist Pr. Eric Flickinger and Evangelism coordinator Pr. Yves Monnier. We’re also tapping the expertise of Jack Phillips the It Is Written Bible Worker Trainer. Journey with Christ into His discipleship adventure, learn to bridge interests to a new spiritual life, be equipped to share the Bible with seekers, and prepare to harvest the fields of your community in answer to Christ’s appeal in John 4:35!

Release Date: 26 Jan 2019

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Devotional: Glasswall & the Perception of Reality (1/20)
by · 7744 views · HD
87 People died during their attempt to take a better selfie in 2016. Why is it when we pull out our selfie camera, suddenly we are blinded by the reality and more willing to do something crazier & take high... (more)
Setting Up a Bible School (4/20)
by · 10874 views · HD
It Is Written is actively involved in helping churches all over the world set up It Is Written Bible Schools. Here are the steps involve in making a successful Bible school in your local community. (more)
Door to Door Work (5/20)
by · 8642 views · HD
Door to door work is still an effective method to evangelise your neighbourhood. Here is how to do it, what to say and how to follow up on the interest that you will find. (more)
Transitioning & Giving Bible Studies (6/20)
by · 8693 views · HD
You’ve found a spiritual interest? Great, now let’s learn how to transition them from door-to-door contact to a sit-down Bible study. (more)
Answering Objections (7/20)
by · 9208 views · HD
What if your student disagrees with you? Here is how to handle and address their objection effectively. (more)
Devotion: God's Witness (8/20)
by · 8896 views · HD
Why God need us to be a witness for Him? (more)
Making Friend & Building Bridges (9/20)
by · 10075 views · HD
Sadly today, we almost forgotten the art of making friends. Unfortunately, there is simply no way to witness of a God of infinite love without showing a degree of genuine love. Let’s learn back this lost ... (more)
Devine Worship: Perseverance (10/20)
by · 7748 views · HD
In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins – not through strength but by perseverance. This also apply in our ministries. Let’s have a look a few stories from the B... (more)
Tools Every Disciple Needs to Have (11/20)
by · 8495 views · HD
Right tool makes the job easier. This apply to discipling as well. Here are some ‘tools’ that you want to have with you when go outside sharing the Gospel. (more)
Following Up Media Interests (12/20)
by · 7772 views · HD
Learn how to respond to Bible study or resources request acquired via media campaign. (more)
Gaining Decisions (13/20)
by · 10100 views · HD
No one make major decision in an instant. It takes sometimes. Let's learn the four phases of decision-making process to help your contact make their decision to follow Christ. (more)
The Right Time (14/20)
by · 8102 views · HD
Out of every 1000 brochures distributed, statistically, only 1 will eventually be baptise into the Church. The statistic is not much better with door to door. Why are we bothered to do this? (more)
Preparing for the Harvest (15/20)
by · 8220 views · HD
What is a farmer go out to the field, expecting an abundant harvest, yet he never did any sowing or cultivating? Unfortunately, we often do the same thing. Public evangelism still works if the field has been pr... (more)
Your Evangelistic Team (16/20)
by · 8126 views · HD
No one can run a successful evangelism campaign alone. It takes a village to do so. Here are some of the teams you will need and their responsibilities. (more)
Evangelistic Visitation (17/20)
by · 8066 views · HD
Visitation is a vital part of a successful evangelism campaign. Let’s learn four phases of visitation that will help you to have more abundant harvest. (more)
After the Harvest (18/20)
by · 7294 views · HD
Almost 50% of the new member gain during evangelism campaign will eventually leave the church. What happen after the campaign is vital to keep these new members to stay in our churches. (more)
A Precious Moment (19/20)
by · 10917 views · HD
Psalm 126:5 says “Those who sow in tears, shall reap in joy”. What does this verse referring to by saying sow in tears? (more)