"NNSW Big Camp 2017" by Various Speakers

Videos from NNSW Big Camp 2017. 

Release Date: 18 Apr 2017

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In Step with the Spirit (1/34)
by · 12165 views · HD
We like to get the job done, we like to plan ahead, but how often did we bother to check whether our plan is in line with God's plan? (more)
What is Your Desire? (2/34)
by · 15404 views · HD
As a high achiever, Joseph went to the best university, finish first in the army training & got a very good job at investment banking firm, but God has another plan for him. (more)
Seeing Seed Power (3/34)
by · 11628 views · HD
Do u know given the right condition, a 2000 years old date seed will still grow? The Bible teaches to never underestimate the power the seed we can plant to the people around us! (more)
SPD Mission Offering (4/34)
by · 11006 views · HD
Find out some of the SPD mission projects funded with your tithe in 2016. (more)
Shifting Culture, Changing Methods (5/34)
by · 13023 views · HD
As Adventist we are people of the book, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be liberal in our method! (more)
Testimony (6/34)
by · 12802 views · HD
Kick out of home & homeless at 15 years old of age, Katlyn hated life, but one Adventist family decide to make all the difference. (more)
The Ministries of Angels (7/34)
by · 12497 views · HD
What’s is the job description of Gods’ angels? (more)
Testimony (8/34)
by · 12577 views · HD
Blake grandfather was a pimp; his grandmother was one of the girls working for him. Grows up in far than ideal household, Blake life is a mess. But today he is planting a church in NNSW conference. (more)
Sola Scriptura (Scripture Only) (9/34)
by · 12545 views · HD
Today, we probably think this is so obvious, but back 500 years ago this idea was revolutionary. Let’s find out the story behind its discovery. (more)
Know Your Enemy (10/34)
by · 13054 views · HD
How well do you really know the devil? (more)
Life Changing Devine Appoinments (11/34)
by · 14258 views · HD
A group of students decide to pray every morning for divine appointment, here are the result! (more)
Testimony (12/34)
by · 11230 views · HD
Growing up in broken home, Billy growing up depress and get into all kind of mischief. But one friend refuse to give up on him. (more)
Who Fed the 5000? (13/34)
by · 12805 views · HD
There are lessons on church structure and leadership within this familiar story. Let’s find out! (more)
Testimony (14/34)
by · 11937 views · HD
Sola Fide (Faith Alone) (15/34)
by · 12909 views · HD
Seven years before Luther nailed his thesis, he was climbing the Scala Sancta like many other pilgrims. Then a Bible verse flashes into his mind, and history changed forever. (more)
Creating Missional DNA (16/34)
by · 10922 views · HD
What will take for a church to have mission as their main focus of existence? (more)
Testimony (17/34)
by · 13381 views · HD
As a busy parent of three, Jess & Ben spiritual life is getting dull. Then they decide to read the Bible together every day and everything changes forever! (more)
It's Time To Eat Grandpa (18/34)
by · 15560 views · HQ
What is role of a church pastor? The slowdown of Adventist growth in the first half of 1900s can almost be contributed to this single miss conception. (more)
Testimony (19/34)
by · 11948 views · HD
As a midwife, Eva often work 12 hours’ day. As the result, her spiritual life goes down the drain. (more)
Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) (20/34)
by · 13685 views · HD
The reformation will not be what it is today if it’s not because of the work that bishop did almost a thousand years before Luther. Let’s find out what it is! (more)