"Set You Free" by Louis Torres

"Set You Free" by Louis Torres [HQ]

Why is God so restrictive? His laws contain a lot of "do not…". Is God really that restrictive?

Date Posted: 01 Aug 2019
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Bible Worker & Laity Training (2019)
Two weeks intenstive training by Pr. Louis Torres.  Pastor Torres is an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, trainer, and musician. Louis has worked as a Pastor, Evangelist, Church Ad... [more]

Video No 9 / 31


Deciphering the Interest - Part II (6/31)
by · 5912 views · HD
Not all who comes to your events has a genuine interest. Let's find out how to decipher which one is and which one isn't. (more)
Making A Sermon (7/31)
by · 8001 views · HD
Let’s learn how to make a good and engaging sermon! (more)
The Talents (4/31)
by · 6122 views · HD
A church of 250 members send their most handicap member to come to training like this one. Yet at the end of his evangelism campaign, 10 people decide to be baptised. What happened? (more)
Making a Public Appeal (8/31)
by · 6293 views · HD
Making a public appeal can be very scary, yet it is essential in every sermon and evangelism campaign. Let's find out why! (more)
Cycle of Evangelism (2/31)
by · 8830 views · HD
In this session, we will cover the overall picture of what needs to take place in an evangelism campaign. (more)
Let's Go Fishing (1/31)
by · 7971 views · HD
Jesus told us, His disciples to be a fisher of man, But many of us toiled in the gospel work for years without result. Why? (more)
Motivating the Laity (3/31)
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How can we get church members involved in ministry? (more)
Deciphering the Interest - Part I (5/31)
by · 6671 views · HD
Not all who comes to your events has a genuine interest. Let's find out how to decipher which one is and which one isn't. (more)
Set You Free (9/31)
by · 5725 views · HD
Why is God so restrictive? His laws contain a lot of "do not…". Is God really that restrictive? (more)
Reaching The Heart - Part II (11/31)
by · 6927 views · HD
In order to win someone to Christ, an intellectual transfer of knowledge is not enough. We need to reach the heart of the people. Here are some tips how we can do that. (more)
Difficult Bible Passage: Lazarus & The Richman (22/31)
by · 9961 views · HD
The story of the rich man and Lazarus has been to justify the doctrine that people will go straight to heaven/hell when they died. Let's study what Jesus really mean by sharing this story. (more)
Gaining Decision - Part II (14/31)
by · 6191 views · HD
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Here is some advice on how to gain those decisions. (more)
The Bible is in Advance Science (13/31)
by · 6277 views · HD
Many think the Bible is an old and out of date book. Is it? (more)
Gaining Decision - Part III (15/31)
by · 6843 views · HD
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Here is some advice on how to gain those decisions. (more)
How Much is a Soul Worth (23/31)
by · 6111 views · HD
If you can put a dollar into it, how much is a soul or a person worth? (more)
Reaching The Heart - Part I (10/31)
by · 8742 views · HD
In order to win someone to Christ, an intellectual transfer of knowledge is not enough. We need to reach the heart of the people. Here are some tips how we can do that. (more)
Do & Don't - Part I (18/31)
by · 8110 views · HD
What to do and don't do when a person is under conviction. (more)
Faith (19/31)
by · 6691 views · HD
Abel died because of his faithfulness to God and yet Enock will not see death because of his faithfulness. What is going on? (more)
Clearing a Candidate - Part II (25/31)
by · 7555 views · HD
How do you know if the person you are studying the Bible with is ready to be baptise? (more)
Do & Don't - Part III (21/31)
by · 6812 views · HD
What to do and don't do when a person is under conviction. (more)
Clearing a Candidate - Part I (24/31)
by · 6734 views · HD
How do you know if the person you are studying the Bible with is ready to be baptise? (more)
Gaining Decision - Part I (12/31)
by · 7005 views · HD
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Here is some advice on how to gaining decisions. (more)
Chasing Rabbit (16/31)
by · 13727 views · HD
In fear of being left-behind, many churches spend a lot of effort, time and resources chasing a fad. Sadly, most don't even realise that they are. Let’s find out how to not fell into the same pit! (more)
Gaining Decision - Part IV (17/31)
by · 5761 views · HD
The most challenging part of any ministry is to help people to make decisions for Christ. Here is some advice on how to gain those decisions. (more)
Do & Don't - Part II (20/31)
by · 6297 views · HD
What to do and don't do when a person is under conviction. (more)
Sons of God - The Endangered Species (26/31)
by · 6469 views · HD
The Bible reveals the most endangered species in the world that needs to be protected and preserved at all cost. (more)
The Cross & The Old Testament Feasts (28/31)
by · 5514 views · HD
Why are keeping the Old Testament feasts no longer necessary after the cross? What are the scriptural justification for it? (more)
Difficult Bible Passage: Three Days & Three Nights (27/31)
by · 12201 views · HD
Jesus died on Friday afternoon and resurrected on Sunday morning. Then how will this fit into the "three days and three nights" the book of Matthew claim that Jesus will be in the grave? Do we miss something? (more)
The Old Testament Prodigal (29/31)
by · 6969 views · HD
You probably familiar with the prodigal son story in the new testament. But do you know there is another prodigal son in the old testament? (more)
God's Subauditions (31/31)
by · 7070 views · HD
The Bible never say that you cannot smoke or cannot take drugs. So how can we justified this and many other things that the Bible never says that we cannot do, but don’t allow it anyway? (more)
Secret Rapture (30/31)
by · 7063 views · HD
Many Christians believe in secret rapture. Let’s find out where is this false doctrine comes from and if there’s any basis of it in the Bible. (more)


How to Run a Business?
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Do you want a 100% guarantee for your business to succeed?  (more)
The Focus of Revelation - Part II
by · 7999 views · HQ
What is the main point of the book of Revelation? (more)
Devotional: Glasswall & the Perception of Reality
by · 7744 views · HD
87 People died during their attempt to take a better selfie in 2016. Why is it when we pull out our selfie camera, suddenly we are blinded by the reality and more willing to do something crazier & take high... (more)
Minority Report
by · 9699 views · HD
Whether we like it or not, we all have an online profile. Whether one coming from big companies like Facebook or government agencies like tax office. The only question now is, what kind of picture does your onl... (more)
God's Natural Remedies
by · 7886 views · HD
God's natural remedies are simple, inexpensive, and effective. They do not have any side effects. A TB patient was healed by God through His natural ways. (more)
Combining Fruits & Vegetables
by · 7531 views · HD
Understand the principles of combining fruits and vegetables. Learn salad and salad dressing recipes. (more)
The Healing Manual
by · 11765 views · HD
As we learn previously, our circumstances may shape who we are today. But doesn't God call us to be victim of our circumstances, He call us, with His power, to be overcomer! (more)
What to Eat & What Not to Eat
by · 6869 views · HD
Learn the principles of healthy eating and cooking as found to be effective for healing and preventing disease. (more)
The Three Angels Message - Part I
by · 6174 views · HD
The 3 Angels' Message has personal implications for us to experience a return to the Creator God AND an exit from Babylon. (more)
First Angel Message - Part II
by · 8559 views · HQ
Image of the Beast
by · 9951 views · HD
Did you know there are striking similarities between the events in Daniel 3, where Nebuchadnezzar build the golden statue and the event leading to end time revealed in Revelation 13? Let's this be a warning for... (more)
The Secret of a Confident Woman
by · 11661 views · HD
Can we, as ladies have a strong faith in God if we have no or little confidence in ourselves? (more)