"Effective Communications" by Johnny Wong

"Effective Communications" by Johnny Wong [LQ]

Isn't it safe to assume everyone has a good intention in the church? Then what's the problem?

Date Posted: 18 Oct 2012
Select Quality: LQ | HQ
TNT Excel
TNT leadership training. [more]

Video No 8 / 16


Standing in God’s Grace (1/16)
by · 10555 views · HQ
Do you want to strengthen your faith? Do you want God to work mightily in your life? Let's find out how! (more)
Competition, The Great Controvery & Chistian Principles (2/16)
by · 12102 views · HQ
Competition bring forth greater result right? Did you realise that competition first originated in heaven as Lucifer decided to strive against God to become number one? How then are we going to use the devil's ... (more)
Servant Leadership - Part I (3/16)
by · 11289 views · HQ
Matt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". How can we be a servant and a leader in the same time? What does it mean to be a servant leader? (more)
Mentoring Testimony (4/16)
by · 13663 views · HQ
As a leader in the church, how do we mentor newly baptise so that they too can become spiritually mature and ready to carry on the work? Here are some testimonies of a good mentoring and how much blessing it ca... (more)
Servant Leadership - Part II (5/16)
by · 8501 views · HQ
Matt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". How can we be a servant and a leader in the same time? What does it mean to be a servant leader? (more)
Servant Leadership - Part III (6/16)
by · 8889 views · HQ
Matt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". How can we be a servant and a leader in the same time? What does it mean to be a servant leader? (more)
Leadership Testimony (7/16)
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Being a leader is never going to be easy, especially in the church environment. Pr. Gary Webster will be sharing his own personal testimony that might help you as you lead in your local church. (more)
Effective Communications (8/16)
by · 10213 views · HQ
Isn't it safe to assume everyone has a good intention in the church? Then what's the problem? (more)
Managing Conflict & Change (9/16)
by · 10417 views · HQ
Now we understood the important of communication within the church, the next question is: "how?". Let's find out! (more)
Servant Leadership - Part IV (10/16)
by · 8051 views · HQ
Matt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". How can we be a servant and a leader in the same time? What does it mean to be a servant leader? (more)
Three Ways to Reach People's Emotional Needs (11/16)
by · 10570 views · HQ
Often it's not that difficult to fulfil one's physical needs, but how do we fulfil their emotional needs? (more)
Effective Team Building (12/16)
by · 12057 views · HQ
We all know having a good team is essential to be effective in ministry. However, building a good team is not always easy. Here are some tips on what to do and what not to do. (more)
Servant Leadership - Part V (13/16)
by · 9280 views · HQ
Matt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". How can we be a servant and a leader in the same time? What does it mean to be a servant leader? (more)
Planning & Implementation - Part I (14/16)
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Pr. Wayne Stanley, the former president of the Victorian Conference, Australia. Let's learn from his years of experience running programs and events within the church and conference level. (more)
Planning & Implementation - Part II (15/16)
by · 10551 views · HQ
Pr. Wayne Stanley, the former president ofof the Victorian Conference, Australia. Let's learn from his years of experience running programs and events within the church and conference level. (more)
How to Get Started? (16/16)
by · 10335 views · HQ


Spiritual Gifts
by · 12730 views · HQ
Ever wondered what the Bible really teaches about spiritual gifts?This study explores the three main categories of spiritual gifts andhow they work together. Amazing insights from the New Testament. (more)
by · 10714 views · HQ
Want to work more closely with the Holy Spirit in the process ofsanctification? Learn how to move from problems to principles,conviction and ultimately character. Secrets to experiencing realchange in the li... (more)
Servant Leadership - Part IV
by · 8051 views · HQ
Matt 23:11 "But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant". How can we be a servant and a leader in the same time? What does it mean to be a servant leader? (more)
The Secret Key of Multiplication
by · 12391 views · HQ
When the last time you saw a new member added to your church daily? Impossible? Well, It happened back at the early church and it certainly can happen today. Let's find out what weve been missing out from the e... (more)
A Vision That Almost Cost Ellen G. White Her Life
by · 54383 views · HQ
Throughout her life, Ellen G. White had many visions. But there is one particular vision that made the devil attack her personally in order to stop her from sharing the vision. Let’s find out what the vis... (more)
Enemy of Purpose - Part I
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Let's learn about some of the thing that will stop you from achieving your purpose in life. (more)
High Sabbath Musical Compliation
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Musical compliation by the orchestra and vocal artist from the High Sabbath service. (more)
Biblical Model
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Some are not convinced about the importance of CARE group in their local church. This is because they may not be familiar with the Biblical mandate and reasons.  As we unpack Mark chapter two we see a powe... (more)
Satan's Worse Nightmare - Part II
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Do you ever wish you can give the Devil a nightmare? The Spirit of Prophecy teaches us exact how! (more)
The Bible & Ordination
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What does the Bible says about ordination? Is it just simply a cultural matter at the time that only men were chosen to be a priest or pastor? Does it even matter? (more)
Following Up Media Interests
by · 7566 views · HD
Learn how to respond to Bible study or resources request acquired via media campaign. (more)
Gateway History
by · 14838 views · HQ
Just recently Gateway baptise its 100th seekers. What makes Gateway stand out among the other churches in Australia? Let's go back and review what God has been leading Gateway in the past 7 years. (more)