"Youth Testimony" by Ivan Lee

"Youth Testimony" by Ivan Lee [HQ]

Ivan originally from Malaysia, he is currently studying in Adelaide. Let’s find out how AYC has change his life.

Date Posted: 09 Feb 2012
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AYC 2012
This is a movement. This is young people on fire. This is a return to primitive Godliness. This is a longing for Jesus to come back.This is Adventist Youth for Christ. Speakers include: Adam Ramdin, ... [more]

Video No 2 / 21


Youth Testimony (2/21)
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Ivan originally from Malaysia, he is currently studying in Adelaide. Let’s find out how AYC has change his life. (more)
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Don't Argue (8/21)
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Youth Movement Report (9/21)
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Refreshing (13/21)
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