"Five Loaf & Two Mites" by Russel Fam

"Five Loaf and Two Mites" by Russel Fam [HQ]

Warren Buffett donated $30 billion to charity without much of a self-sacrificed. Are we doing the same as a Christian?

Date Posted: 31 Jan 2019
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Faith in the Power of God
Faith in the Power of God is a familiy Camp is hosted by Keep the Faith ministry. Presenters: LYLE SOUTHWELL - SPEAKER AND WRITER OF THE PROPHETIC CODE BIBLE STUDYSERIES, HOST OF FAIT... [more]

Video No 10 / 18


The Blind Fish (8/18)
by · 8239 views · HD
Are you spiritually as blind as the blind man in Bethsaida? There are lessons for us to learn from how Jesus healed this man that can help us to be spiritually unblind. (more)
Tried & Made Pure Like Gold (11/18)
by · 10021 views · HD
What will take for us, sinful humans, to obtain strong & pure Christ like character? (more)
Experience Him - Part I (1/18)
by · 8269 views · HD
David started Aenon health retreat in 1999, now it welcomes over 100 guess every month with 3 months waiting list. And it’s all started by his desires to experience God's supernatural powers. (more)
The Chess Master (4/18)
by · 7918 views · HD
Why is it that the God uses Jerusalem as the symbol of that which is good and Babylon as the symbol of that which is bad at the end of time? Let's dig into the history of these two historical cities to find out... (more)
Five Loaf & Two Mites (10/18)
by · 8563 views · HD
Warren Buffett donated $30 billion to charity without much of a self-sacrificed. Are we doing the same as a Christian? (more)
Minority Report (6/18)
by · 9699 views · HD
Whether we like it or not, we all have an online profile. Whether one coming from big companies like Facebook or government agencies like tax office. The only question now is, what kind of picture does your onl... (more)
Image of the Beast (9/18)
by · 9951 views · HD
Did you know there are striking similarities between the events in Daniel 3, where Nebuchadnezzar build the golden statue and the event leading to end time revealed in Revelation 13? Let's this be a warning for... (more)
Experience Him - Part II (2/18)
by · 7856 views · HD
When Aenon started in 1999, no one knows what health retreat or lifestyle centre is. Many thinks he is very smart and so far ahead of everyone body else. Let's find out the truth! (more)
Experience Him - Part III (7/18)
by · 9009 views · HD
After graduating from Hartland in 1992, David learn the theory of medical missionary, but none of the practical. He prays hard to God to teach him what to do. This is how God answer his prayers! (more)
The Bus That God Brought (3/18)
by · 10453 views · HD
After reading all the amazing stories in the Bible, Candice thinks: Why can't I have the same experiences?, Did God loves Moses more than He loves me?. This is her testimony. (more)
Power of Prophecy (5/18)
by · 7139 views · HD
Why did God give us prophecies in the Bible? What purpose does it have? (more)
Game of Thrones (17/18)
by · 10206 views · HD
Did you know Cyrus the great is a type of Jesus Christ? He was called the messiah, the anointed one, the shepherd and the deliverer. Let’s dig deeper into Cyrus, a man that Bible prophecies mention him by... (more)
The Power of Elijah Prayer (15/18)
by · 7775 views · HD
Elijah was a man subject to sinful nature just like we are. Yet his prayer can stop or start rains, bring fire down from heaven, many more. Do you know that the same limitless is power waiting for us? (more)
Experience Him - Part V (13/18)
by · 8964 views · HD
In 2007, as Aenon grows, their current facilities are no longer sufficient. Yet they don’t have the financial mean to move. This is how God miraculously raise the money for them to acquire their new facil... (more)
From Psychopath to Saint (14/18)
by · 10515 views · HD
Daniel 4 is a unique part of the Bible. It is not written by a Hebrews, nor by someone who brought up with the knowledge of God. Let’s dig deeper into this unique chapter of the Bible.  (more)
Experience Him - Part VI (18/18)
by · 11316 views · HD
It's always exciting to hear the story of how God blessed the Aenon health retreat. But the devil also attack them like crazy. Here are some of them and how God always deliver David and his team through them al... (more)
Illiberal Democracy (16/18)
by · 8041 views · HD
Many of Adventist don't keep up well with where our world is at. Our world is changing very quickly. Bible prophecies about to be fulfilled, yet we have no idea. (more)
Experience Him - Part IV (12/18)
by · 9646 views · HD
In 1995, David was finishing his study at Hartland. He asks God where he should go. The answer is not what he is expecting. (more)


Spiritual Gifts
by · 12882 views · HQ
Ever wondered what the Bible really teaches about spiritual gifts?This study explores the three main categories of spiritual gifts andhow they work together. Amazing insights from the New Testament. (more)
Effective Communications
by · 10312 views · HQ
Isn't it safe to assume everyone has a good intention in the church? Then what's the problem? (more)
Connecting Efficiently Within the Church Using Technology
by · 12832 views · HD
How to use innovative tools such as WhatsUp, Google Drive to streamline communication within the church? (more)
by · 18538 views · HD
This year's AYC theme is to "Rise and Build". This study explores how to access power for both. Is there a difference between the presence of the Holy Spirit in our life, and its power? Let's find ... (more)
Jesus Call to Transformation
by · 9930 views · HQ
Do you know that Jesus is intensely interested in the life of local churches? It doesn't matter if your church is a mega church or a small one in the middle of nowhere, He do care! (more)
Experience Him - Part VI
by · 11316 views · HD
It's always exciting to hear the story of how God blessed the Aenon health retreat. But the devil also attack them like crazy. Here are some of them and how God always deliver David and his team through them al... (more)
Reverse Motion
by · 15758 views · HD
Many of us dreams of changing the world though our ministry, whatever it might be. But there is something that must be done before we could reach the world. Let's find out! (more)
A Sure Thing
by · 10952 views · HD
Want a guaranteed success for your evangelistic campaign? Well, actually the Bible does says that there is a method where success is guaranteed. (more)
Effective Biblical Preaching Part I
by · 21850 views · HD
Have you ever had a desire to preach powerfully and effectively? What is the secret to communication and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit? How are we able to preach clearly the messages the Bible has for... (more)
Choosing a Life Partner - Part III
by · 7780 views · LQ
Believe it or not, marriage & family is a ministry! Let's find out the Biblical concepts of what is marriage, how to find your life partner and how to keep a marriage last. (more)
When Things Look Impossible
by · 10163 views · LQ
Have you ever been in a situation in your ministry where circumstances seem impossible to overcome? Listen to David\'s testimony on how it is in these times that God can shine the most. (more)
I Cannot Come Down
by · 18611 views · HD
When we decide to do God's work many will come to try to distract you. Let's learn from Nehemiah on how to deal with these issue! (more)