"Business Unusual - Further Training " by Johnny Wong

Further Training for the book Business Unusual by Johnny Wong.

Retention and spiritual growth are the urgent goals of discipleship. This book draws on the experience of a lay-led church in Australia, which has a retention rate of 90% of baptised members and has planted three churches and with two more church plants in progress. It provides real life practical case studies and tools for discipleship and small group, to help you retain your members and grow your church.

Chapter 1 – Business Unusual – The Challenge

Chapter 2 – Paradigm Shift

Chapter 3 – Revival and Discipleship

Chapter 4 – On-going Discipleship

Chapter 5 – Principles of Care Groups

Chapter 6 – Making Care Group Work

Chapter 7 – Personal Evangelism

Chapter 8 – Public Evangelism

Chapter 9 – Leading the World’s Toughest Enterprise – The Local Church

Chapter 10 – Care Group-Based Church Planting

Chapter 11 – Time for Business Unusual


Release Date: 12 Jun 2017

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Paradigm Shift (1/64)
by · 32935 views · HQ
Local churches are fixated on a broken paradigm for soul winning. Too often large amount of effort and funds had been spent on yearly public evangelism to yield little results. Furthermore there is no disciples... (more)
New Testament Church Model (2/64)
by · 23568 views · HQ
By studying the Book of Acts and Spirit of Prophecy, we discovered how the early church had an explosion in soul winning and retention of their members.  We uncovered three critical elements based on the w... (more)
SDA Pioneer History & Gateway Case Study (3/64)
by · 25005 views · HQ
When we discovered what our SDA pioneers did in soul winning, we realised they followed the paradigm found in the New Testament. We can learn from their pioneering spirit as they enter new cities and countries ... (more)
What is the Uniqueness of the SDA Message? (4/64)
by · 21769 views · HQ
What make SDAs unique? Is it the message of the Second Coming? Is it the state of the dead? Interestingly enough many other churches also share some of the same teachings with us. It is very important for us to... (more)
The Mighty Angel (5/64)
by · 12621 views · LQ
What church will be the last day church to take the everlasting gospel to the dying world? Why are you a SDA? Did you know that God has given SDA a specific message to carry? What is it? (more)
The Little Book Opened (6/64)
by · 11017 views · LQ
Who shall be able to understand the little book? When was the book open? We cannot preach the message for the end time unless we understand the prophetic writings of Daniel. Are you ready to look into the book ... (more)
The Mystery of God (7/64)
by · 13652 views · LQ
Who is the mystery of God? Do we have a part in finishing that mystery? Does this have any connection to the ‘time no longer'?’What is the final mystery of Adventists? What has Jesus said about the mystery of G... (more)
Biblical Foundation for Dicipleship (8/64)
by · 13837 views · LQ
Discipleship is the engine behind CARE Groups. If we consider the metaphor of a vehicle, CARE group is the is the body but Discipleship is the engine.  It is not glamorous work in ministry but essential to... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part I (9/64)
by · 17683 views · HQ
What Discipleship is not is equally important as to understand what discipleship is! The next series of 3 videos highlights the foundational pieces of discipleship. At Gateway we have adopted a systematic tra... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part II (10/64)
by · 15659 views · HQ
Jesus great commission for us is to make disciple, not just to make members. The challenge with most churches is that we only produce members but not a worker for the harvest. Jesus in Revelation 14 is seen as ... (more)
Four Foundational Pieces for Discipleship - Part III (11/64)
by · 17428 views · HQ
In closing the series of 12 video, we now look at the final component for discipleship and how do we get started.  Often we need to make small bit size changes rather than try to implement all the changes ... (more)
The Lost Art of Disciple-Making (12/64)
by · 19693 views · HQ
Disciple-making is not a new concept. Jesus did it to his disciples, the early churches did it to the newly baptise. Unfortunately many of us have somehow overlooked it. Let's rediscover on how to make disciple... (more)
My Testimony (12/64)
by · 16085 views · HQ
Pastor Dan Vis wasn't brought up Adventist. Today, his FAST discipleship program is used by many churches worldwide and his online course has recently passed 5000 students mark. How did it all happen? Let's fin... (more)
Mystery of Multiplication (12/64)
by · 12759 views · HQ
When the last time you saw a new member added to your church daily? Impossible? Well, It happened back at the early church and it certainly can happen today. Let's find out what we've been missing out from the ... (more)
Explosion Formula (12/64)
by · 12633 views · HQ
Do you realise that our church as it is winning less soul than that is born in this world daily? Let's discover a new dramatic change of the way we can shares the gospel that could eventually finish the work. (more)
Pantecost (12/64)
by · 11503 views · HQ
What happened at Pentecost? Yes the Holy Spirit decent to earth, but do you know there are insights that we can learned from that day that will help us to reach to others? Let's find out! (more)
Components in a CARE Group - Part I (17/64)
by · 23085 views · HQ
Theory and more theory is NOT what we need for CARE groups. SDA have been talking about small group ministries for decades.  What we need is practical instructions!  In these next two videos we share ... (more)
Components in a CARE Group - Part II (18/64)
by · 19951 views · HQ
In the second practical part of Acts 2:42, we learn how to bring it all together. How can a CARE group operate each week in a busy city, with busy city dwellers, and city professional.  Take these case stu... (more)
CARE Group Principles (19/64)
by · 21317 views · LQ
If you ask your local church board members one at a time, what is the vision for your local church in the next 3 years, how many answers will you get?  Too often we get multiple answers and often are unali... (more)
Biblical Model (20/64)
by · 21358 views · HQ
Some are not convinced about the importance of CARE group in their local church. This is because they may not be familiar with the Biblical mandate and reasons.  As we unpack Mark chapter two we see a powe... (more)