"The Life-giving principles of NCD" by Andrew Jasper

"The Life-giving principles of NCD" by Andrew Jasper [HQ]

How do we unlock the potential that God has placed within our congregational? Learn how to impassion your members, align your ministries to a shared direction and became a strong healthy church through Natural Church Development

Date Posted: 02 Aug 2017
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GROW conference
In 2017 the GROW Conference will revolve around the theme of ‘Purpose’ providing an opportunity for Elders and Local Church Leaders from around the Conference to gather together, to networ... [more]

Video No 4 / 13


World Mission of the SDA (1/13)
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Do you really believe that Jesus is coming soon? Then how come we as a church, often ignore evangelising in the big cities and opt for small towns instead? (more)
Hairdresser Evanglism (12/13)
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As a hairdresser, Saturday is a very important day. But instead Deivson decide to use his hairdressing talent for God’s work. Today he has reached about 400 people. (more)
Therapy the Therapist (12/13)
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As a mentally disabled boy, Marcos had to see a professional therapist. But he did the therapy on his therapist instead! (more)
Surfing Miinistry (12/13)
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Brazil is famous for its beaches. See some of the work done to reach out to the surfers and the tools there are using. (more)
Enemy of Purpose - Part I (2/13)
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Let's learn about some of the thing that will stop you from achieving your purpose in life. (more)
Urban Mission (3/13)
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The Why, the Who and the How to work in the big cities of the world. (more)
The Life-giving principles of NCD (4/13)
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How do we unlock the potential that God has placed within our congregational? Learn how to impassion your members, align your ministries to a shared direction and became a strong healthy church through Natural ... (more)
Connecting Effectively with the Community Using Technology (5/13)
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How to use innovative tools such as MeetUp, EventBrite & Facebook to reach out to the communities? (more)
Connecting Efficiently Within the Church Using Technology (6/13)
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How to use innovative tools such as WhatsUp, Google Drive to streamline communication within the church? (more)
Front Door vs. Side Door (7/13)
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There are 2 distinct ways for people to join a church. Understanding this and the shifting trends between the two will help you to open your church to reach more people! (more)
Enemy of Purpose - Part II (8/13)
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Let's learn about some of the thing that will stop you from achieving your purpose in life. (more)
Church Planting (9/13)
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Let's learn how church planting is not only good for spreading the Gospel to the world, but also for the existing members and churches spiritual growth! (more)
Three Practical Boost for Church Planting (10/13)
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Let's learn 3 practical boost that will help you in planting a new church. (more)
Increduility (11/13)
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How much trouble can we avoid in our spiritual life if we simply just believe what God has already done/promise? (more)


Red Carpet Service
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Let's find out ways to increase the excellence of what we do. The difference between a mediocre church and an excellent on is the attention to small details. (more)
Motivating the Laity
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How can we get church members involved in ministry? (more)
Building Effective Team
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What are the keys to training our church members to help them to become effective workers? Let's find out. (more)
SDA Pioneer History & Gateway Case Study
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When we discovered what our SDA pioneers did in soul winning, we realised they followed the paradigm found in the New Testament. We can learn from their pioneering spirit as they enter new cities and countries ... (more)
by · 10695 views · HQ
Ever heard the saying "life is an adventure"? While the word adventure is not in the Bible, the concept certainly is. And whether we like it or not, we are all part of this adventure. Let's find out what it is! (more)
Experience Him - Part VI
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It's always exciting to hear the story of how God blessed the Aenon health retreat. But the devil also attack them like crazy. Here are some of them and how God always deliver David and his team through them al... (more)
Reaching Young Professional
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Increasingly, young mind are shaping our country’s politics, culture and laws. How can we be more effective on reaching out to them? (more)
Faith & Healing
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When Jesus affirm the Roman centurion faith, does He also advocate his vocation? Certainty not. Why then we as Christian often reject someone based on their deed? (more)
Satan's Worse Nightmare - Part V
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Do you ever wish you can give the Devil a nightmare? The Spirit of Prophecy teaches us exact how! (more)
Relationship Between God & Men
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What does the Bible says about same-sex marriage? Let's open up your Bible and find out! (more)
Leadership Testimony
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Being a leader is never going to be easy, especially in the church environment. Pr. Gary Webster will be sharing his own personal testimony that might help you as you lead in your local church. (more)
Put Your Hands in the Air
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Do you ever pray for everything on your mind and want to continue because you have not taken 'long enough'? How is it then that the men and women of the Bible could pray for hours? (more)